

July 2020 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design, fabricate and align four new elliptically bent crystal packs for the existing NXS spectrometer.

January 2020 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design, and fabricated five crystal holders to be uses in the Imaging and Spectroscopy snout (ISS) spectrometer.

April 2019 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Artep will provide a design of two reflection spectrometers that will incorporate toroid shaped GaAs diffraction crystals designed to record spectra in the hard x-ray range.

July 2018 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Artep designed and fabricated five crystal holders to be uses in the Imaging and Spectroscopy snout (ISS) spectrometer.

December 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Artep designed, fabricated, and aligned a high energy x-ray spectrometer for spectroscopic analysis work to be performed at the AWE Orion Laser facility.

December 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design, fabricate and calibrate a new #7 elliptical crystal packs for the existing NXS spectrometer.

December 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design, fabricate and calibrate a new #8 elliptical crystal packs for the existing NXS spectrometer.

November 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design a custom in-situ x-ray monitoring system for the x-ray spectrometer calibration facility.

September 2017 Contract awarded from National Institute of Standards & Technology to design, fabricate and program an X-ray generator system.

August 2017 Contract awarded from KLA Tencor Corporation. Artep will build a transmission crystal spectrometer and its support structure. The spectrometer will be absolutely calibrated using the NIST absolute calibration facility.

March 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will characterize and absolutely characterize NXS crystal pack #6.

February 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design, fabricate and align #12 elliptical crystal packs for the existing NXS spectrometer.

February 2017 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will design fabricate and align #11 elliptical crystal packs for the existing NXS spectrometer.

September 2016 Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Artep will refurbish a vacuum calibration facility that operates in the E< 30keV. Once the refurbished calibration facility is operational, Artep will construct a new calibration facility with similar properties to be delivered and installed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  This is a five phase contract.

June 2016

Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  Artep will build a spectrometer that is designed to be a surrogate spectrometer for the absolute calibration of the NSS (NIF Survey Spectrometer) crystals.

April 2016

Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  Artep will perform relative calibration on SuperSnoutII (SSII).

February 2016

Contract awarded from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  Artep will perform relative calibration on SuperSnoutI (SSI).

September 2015

Contract awarded from Sandia National Laboratory.  Artep will build three custom designed image plate holders for the Sandia CRITR spectrometer.

August 2015

Artep was awarded a contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  The contract is for designing and fabricating a Dual Crystal Spectrometer, composed of two separate spectrometers in one. A Low Energy Spectrometer 6 to 40 keV and a High Energy Spectometer 20 to 120 keV.

July 2015

Contract awarded by Los Alamos National Laboratory.  Design and fabricate a Dual Spectrometer Alignment Cart to work in conjunction with the 3 port cask door manufactured in May.

May 2015

Contract awarded by Los Alamos National Laboratory.  The contract is for a specially manufactured door to replace the existing door in the Penn State Reactor Cask. The door will have three openings designed to record radiation emitted by spent nuclear fuel rods placed into the cask. The door will be manufactured from 2.75” thick tungsten in accordance with a design that was approved by the Penn State Reactor engineers.

January 2015

Contract awarded from Sandia National Laboratory.

Artep shall design a spectrometer to be fielded at the Z generator to provide a complete spectrometer having a total photon energy range shall cover from 10keV to 80keV. The instrument shall have a spectral resolving power of at least 200 over the region of interest. Due to estimates of output from sources on Z the instrument throughput shall allow measurements of line intensities of 10 J/cm/eV. The instrument shall allow imaging over a field of view of 2cm in both dimensions perpendicular to the instrument sightline. The instrument shall be capable of providing axial and radial spatial resolution not necessarily simultaneously. Spatial resolution 0.5mm to be achieved using the Sandia provided collimator, is required in the space resolved dimension.

November 2014

Contract awarded with Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford United Kingdom

Artep will deliver an X-ray crystal spectrometer with a quartz 101 crystal that provides an x-ray spectrum on the first image plate covering the 17-90 KeV energy range.  A second crystal (that can replace the first one) with (203) diffraction planes that provides an X-ray spectrum on the first image plate covering the 41-219 KeV energy range.

September 2014

Follow on contract award with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  Artep is awarded a contract to support the Virginia Tech rocket re-flight of an NO sounding rocket instrument that is to launch from Poker Flat Alaska.  Artep will be responsible for the flight electronics, flight software, Ground Support Equipment (GSE), integration and launch support.

September 2013

Artep was awarded a contract with Dakota Consulting Inc.  The purpose of the contract is to collect, assemble, evaluate and point out the usefulness of individual spectral lines and line pairs to diagnose the properties of astrophysical plasmas.

June 2013

Artep was awarded an R&D contract with Linshom LP.  Linshom is developing a medical respiratory monitor.  Artep will support electrical and software development and testing.

April 2012

Artep was awarded a contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  The contract is for the design, fabrication, inspection and delivery of an X-Ray spectrometer body to house two High Order Reflectivity of Graphite (HOPG) reflection crystals to be deployed on NIF.

May  2012

Artep was awarded a contract from the University of Rochester Lab for Laser Energetics for the fabrication of a Transmission Crystal Spectrometer.

Artep Inc. will provide a complete spectrometer system with image plate holders. The spectrometer will cover the 17 to 90 keV energy range at the standoff distance of 600 mm. The energy range and the spectrometer will be similar to the present Transmission Crystal Spectrometer that operates at the Omega facility.

The proposed transmission crystal spectrometer is composed of a spectrometer module housing a quartz (10-11) transmission crystal and a crossover slit, a detector module housing four image plate holders, a nosecone, a debris shield, and a removable pointer.

April  2012

Artep was awarded a contract from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. 

The contract is for the Mechanical Design, Manufacture, and Alignment of a High Resolution X-Ray Spectrometer for the Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel. 

April  2012

Artep was awarded a contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

This contract is for the Conceptual Design and Build of a two-crystal survey X-ray spectrometer system that will operate in the 6-150 keV energy range and be deployed in a TIM compatible instrument manipulator on NIF with expected front-end standoff distance from target chamber center of 3 m.

The spectrometer shall use image plates for recording the X-ray spectra. The spectrometer shall be designed to accommodate electronic detectors to be attached in the future.

When operating in the 6-150 keV energy range the spectrometer system shall be able to record, with resolving power E/?E of at least 200, the K shell spectra from elements with Z>25, i.e. heavier than Mn, and L shell spectra from elements with Z>63, i.e. heavier than Eu.

March, 2012

Artep awarded scientific support contract from George Mason University (GMU) and National Science Foundation (NSF).

The project with the title “Measuring the Mass Flux and Magnetic Evolution of Jets in the Solar Atmosphere” will study explosive events and coronal hole jets, two of the most important jet-related phenomena on the Sun.

We will use data from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer and Solar Optical Telescope instruments on board the Hinode spacecraft to address the following science questions:

– What is the magnetic field evolution that triggers explosive events and coronal hole jets?

– How often do explosive events show chromospheric and/or coronal responses?

– What is the total mass flux of coronal hole jets?

December, 2011

Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Artep is to design a spectrometer that can be fielded in a NIF DIM that has three cylindrically-bent transmission crystals covering (1) 6-20 keV, (2) 10-150 keV, and (3) 50-511 keV.  This work will build on the NRL Dual Crystal Spectrometer (DCS) having two crystals covering 10-50 keV and 20-120 keV and fielded at the LLNL/Titan and LLE/Omega laser facilities.The new work will demonstrate the feasibility of: (a)    Extending coverage down to 6 keV, which involves thinning the crystal from the nominal 200-250 micron to 100 micron and bending the thin crystal on a form with ROC in the 10-25 cm range, and(b)     Extending the coverage up to 511 keV by utilizing a thick crystal or combination of crystals (at least 1 mm thick) and bending onto a form with ROC in the 1-2 m range.The experimental research will include bending a 1 mm thick gold single crystal onto a cylindrical lens form and tested using the NRL Cs-137 662 keV source.  The project will experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of tasks (a) and (b), and based on this feasibility the mechanical and optical design of a three-crystal spectrometer with image plate detection and covering the 6-511 keV range will be carried out and provided to LLNL for consideration as a NIF DIM instrument.The deliverables will include a final report detailing the experimental crystal development and the CAD design of the DIM-compatible spectrometer.

July, 2011

Artep awarded engineering support contract from ATK Space Systems Inc. The Artep engineering support involves development, test and implementation of hardware and software systems for real-time payload operations and control for ground support equipment for satellites and sounding rockets.  The work also includes flight instrument testing and calibration, scientific data analysis and image processing.
May, 2011
Artep awarded scientific support contract from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Artep will provide scientific support to the NASA investigation “The Dynamics of Neutral-Line Flows During CME’s & Flares”
April, 2011
Artep awarded mechanical modification contract from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Artep will generate modification drawings and modify an existing stand to be compatible with LCLS.
April, 2011
Artep awarded electronic development contract from Virginia Tech University  Artep will design and fabricate a PCB suitable for a future flight of the Virginia Tech PolarNox sounding rocket.  The new board will acquire data from the Star-1000 camera.  The camera interface board will be designed for rapid sampling of large images.  The camera interface board will have the ability to acquire full 1024 x 1024 pixel images from the Star-1000 and buffer them for transmission to the NASA Wallops WFF TM using the 10MBit link.
February, 2011
Virginia Tech PolarNox sounding rocket successfully launched from Poker Flat Alaska  Artep was responsible for the electronic controller, power system and distribution, camera interface, wire harnessing, flight software and Ground Support Equipment (GSE).
November, 2010
Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/AWE This contract is for developing a pulsed x-ray source for testing streak cameras.  The requirements are for an x-ray source that produces sufficient flux in the 10kev energy region for testing the operation and timing of LLNL X-ray streak cameras having picosecond time resolution.
November, 2010
Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  This contract is for the modification of the Artep built GCS.  The spectrometer with IP holders will be modified to be compatible with an OMEGA-EP TIM.
July, 2010
Artep awarded scientific support contract from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Artep will provide scientific and data analysis support to the Investigation of the Dynamics and Origin of neutral-line Shear Flows.
June, 2010
Artep awarded scientific support contract from National Science Foundation (NSF). This research will address one of the fundamental themes of NSF’s Solar Terrestrial Program, namely the connection between magnetic structures at the solar surface and coronal mass ejections.  The scientific goals of this research contract is to further the understanding of the structure, formation, and eruption of filaments.  The specific studies that Artep intends to pursue are the following: 1. Filament Channel Formation 2. Barb formation 3. Filament Endpoint Brightenings. 4. Mixed Helicity in Erupting Filaments.
May, 2010
Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Artep was given a contract to provide the absolute sensitivity calibration of the LLNS Crystal Spectrometer that was built by Artep for LLNL and delivered May 2009.  Please contact us for detailed information regarding the sensitivity calibration.
April, 2010
Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  Artep was awarded a contract for the development of a Gamma Crystal Spectrometer (GCS) for detecting 511 keV Positron Annihilation Radiation.  This instrument is built for the LLNL Titan laser facility.  The design of this spectrometer is based on a transmission Crystal Spectrometer that was fabricated by Artep and successfully fielded in a TIM at the EP laser in August 2009.  Please contact us for detailed information regarding this spectrometer.
April, 2010
Artep awarded scientific support contract from University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.  The Center for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics (CRASH), at the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Department of University ofMichiganis involved in a large research effort to study radiative shocks for application to ICF and Astrophysics.  Artep will provide support service for computation of radiative emissivities and opacities (REO) for various elements and compounds relevant to the CRASH project – for all temperatures and densities necessary.
June, 2009
Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  Artep will design and build a streak-camera compatible hard x-ray spectrometer that can be fielded at the LLNL Titan laser facility and at the NIF facility. Please contact us for detailed information regarding this spectrometer
May, 2009
Artep awarded instrument development contract from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  Artep will design and build a hard x-ray spectrometer that can be fielded at the LLNL Titan laser facility and at the NIF facility.  The spectrometer will be similar in performance (covering 17-102 keV x-ray energies) and operation to the LULI Crystal Spectrometer (LCS) that was fielded at Titan and is currently being qualified at the Omega-EP facility.  Please contact us for detailed information regarding this spectrometer.
April, 2009
Artep awarded SBIR Phase-II contract from Air Force  Artep will develop, test and deliver a space flight prototype Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) Spectrometer for measuring winds in the upper atmosphere.  In addition Artep will develop an optical Doppler shift scene simulator and measure the Doppler shift from a simulated scene of the Earth’s limb.
January 30, 2008
New Contract with USAF, Hanscom AFB
Artep is awarded an SBIR Phase-I contract for the feasibility study of developing a Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer (DASH) for measuring Winds in the Upper Atmosphere (90-300km).
January 23, 2008
New contract award with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Artep is awarded a contract to support the Virginia Tech delivery to NASA of an NO sounding rocket instrument that is to launch from Poker Flat Alaska.  Artep will be responsible for the flight electronics, flight software, Ground Support Equipment (GSE), integration and launch support.
September 18, 2006
New contract award from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Artep is awarded a three year contract to study the Solar Wind Origin and Acceleration Over the Solar Cycle.
June 14, 2006
New contract award with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Artep is awarded a contract to refurbish and support an Avalanche Photodiode X-Ray Spectrometer (AXS) that is to be integrated and launched out ofWhiteSandsMissileRangeinNew Mexico.
June 10, 2005
Artep Awarded multi year contract for continued support of NRL’s Plasma Physics Division.
As a follow on to the previous research contract with Plasma Physics (Analysis of the interaction of radiation with non-LTE plasmas)the following was proposed.We will develop two advanced models for improving atomic physics for the hydrodynamic simulations of laser plasmas. These will be delivered as ancillary Fortran components for hydrodynamic codes.:1)- For the Equation of State (EOS) in laser produced ICF plasmas, we envisage an average atom model embedded in a constant external potential (due to a neutralizing background of free electrons and ions) and contained in a ion sphere. The novelty is the treatment of quasi-free electrons (a.k.a shape resonances). These will ensure smooth variations of the free energy, allowing numerical differentiation to obtain entropy and other relevant quantities. In addition, the pressure can be obtained directly from the virial theorem if relativistic wavefunctions are used. An extension to non LTE (non Local Thermodynamical equilibrium) is also proposed.2)-A detailed level accounting (DLA) model for the opacity of simple to medium spectra. In contradistinction to statistical models that are widely in use, this detailed model will be correct for systems at low density and high temperature, as in the corona where high Z elements are used. In particular, it will be able to handle metastable levels that can modify noticeably the charge distribution.We will also design, manage the construction, and modification of a time resolved, and absolutely calibrated instruments for Laser Plasma Interaction studies.
March 8, 2005
New contract award from NRL’s Space Science Division
Artep has been awarded a new five-year contract to continue science and engineering support for NRL’s Space Science Division. This work currently supports a number of key satellite and rocket programs, that include Solar-B, SECCHI, SHIMMER and VAULT.
On going contract with NRL’s Plasma Physics Division
Artep is in the midst of a five-year contract supporting theoretical and laboratory experimental science being conducted by NRL’s Plasma Physics Division.Title: Analysis of the interaction of radiation with non-LTE plasmasThe Naval Research Laboratory Laser Plasma Branch successfully built in recent years a kilojoule-class KrF laser called the Nike Facility. An important purpose of Nike is to investigate various methods of controlling hydrodynamic instabilities in laser accelerated targets. One of the primary methods considered uses controlled amounts of high Z-generated radiation that preheats the ablator, thus modifying the density profile of the target while leaving the fuel on low isentrope. The interaction of intense laser light with a target is known to have several features that are essentially non-LTE, due to the existence of temperature and density gradients, and optically thin regions. To take into account non-LTE effects with the same accuracy as the Super-Transition-Array (STA) model does for LTE, the NRL Laser Plasma Branch implemented the approach of Busquet, showing generally satisfactory agreements when compared with benchmark computations.In support of the Nike target design effort Artep scientists are carrying out the following studies:Using STA to generate opacities for materials and mixtures specified by the target development team.Validating target design by comparing the measured emitted X-ray spectra from the target with theoretical predictions.Improving the Busquet algorithmInvestigating ways of representing the target radiation field in a collisional radiative model such as the SCROLL and FAST that could be interfaced in a satisfactory manner. (FAST is radiation hydrodynamic code that uses LTE atomic physics to calculate opacities of various materials and SCROLL is a super configuration collisional radiative model).
New contract award from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Artep has been awarded a new three-year contract with NASA to study the transition region explosive events and their relation to the solar magnetic field.Magnetic field restructuring by reconnection is pervasive in astrophysics and in particular in solar physics. Magnetic reconnection can potentially provide the energy to heat and accelerate the plasma in the solar atmosphere, but it has proved elusive to direct observations.Explosive events are thought to be an observable manifestation of small-scale reconnection in the transition region of the solar atmosphere. Using simultaneous data recorded bySUMER, MDI and EIT all instruments on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) Artep scientists are engaged in the following studies:Pinpoint the spatial relationship between the photospheric magnetic field structures and explosive events in the quiet Sun, active regions and coronal holes.Characterize the dynamic and energy budget of explosive events in relation to the magnetic field.Find signatures of magnetic reconnection in the solar corona.


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